L’Hyper-Judiciarisation du Contentieux Électoral au Niger: Le Cas de L’Élection Présidentielle de 2020-2021

  L’Hyper-Judiciarisation du Contentieux Électoral au Niger: Le Cas de L’Élection Présidentielle de 2020-2021

Oumarou NAREY

Dans un État de droit, c’est-à-dire un État qui « agit par le droit et au moyen du droit », il est nécessaire de se tourner vers la justice démocratique, celle qui « n’est pas faite pour satisfaire ses agents, ni pour produire des chiffres destinés à sa hiérarchie, mais pour garantir les droits » . C’est en effet…

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The Constitutional Court and the “Good Morality” of Politicians in the Central African Republic

  The Constitutional Court and the “Good Morality” of Politicians in the Central African Republic


Pursuant to Article 95 of the CAR Constitution of 2016, the Constitutional Court of the Central African Republic (CAR) is required to resolve electoral disputes and guarantee the regularity of electoral operations, which includes the validations of national and local elections. On 12 August 2021…

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Reinvigorating the Separation of Powers and the Politics of Inter-Branch Relations in Post-2010 Kenya

Reinvigorating the Separation of Powers and the Politics of Inter-Branch Relations in Post-2010 Kenya

Walter KHOBE

Kenya has had three Constitutional documents since independence. The first was the Independence Constitution of 1963, which was in the mould of other British decolonising charters. The key features of the Independence Constitution were its quasi-federal state structure, a bicameral…

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Spotlight on Africa: Launching a new feature of the IACL-AIDC Blog

Spotlight on Africa: Launching a new feature of the IACL-AIDC Blog


We are thrilled to announce that in the next several months the Blog will project a constitutional spotlight on the African continent. In preparation for the IACL-AIDC World Congress of 2022, which for the first time will be hosted in Africa, we will feature blog posts presenting…

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