Editorial - '2019 Global Snapshot' Symposium
/Erika Arban and Tom Gerald Daly
Just over a year has passed since the official launch of the new-look IACL-AIDC Blog in Seoul, and to celebrate this important milestone we thought it would be nice have a ‘Global Snapshot’ Symposium offering an overview of constitutional law developments in various regions of the world: in other words, what has happened in the first half of the year and what is coming in the second half. This symposium collects a mixture of regional reviews and country-case studies, to offer the reader a global overview of constitutional events around the globe. It’s a reflection of our Mission Statement produced for last year’s launch, to be “a truly global blog that serves all areas of the world”.
We hope you’ll find this symposium useful and enjoyable, and many thanks to everyone who has contributed to such a successful re-launch!
Erika Arban and Tom Gerald Daly
Publication schedule
Monday 1 July 2019
Arturo VILLAGRAN - ‘Latin America: Walking into the Abyss with eyes wide open’
Wednesday 3 July 2019
Radhika AGARWAL - ‘Constitutional Law Developments in South Asia in 2019’
Monday 8 July 2019
Hayley PITCHER - ‘Dissents in Charter Cases at the Supreme Court of Canada: An Anomaly of 2018 or An Emerging Trend?’
Wednesday 10 July
Elena KREMANSKAYA - ‘Recent and Potential Future Constitutional Developments in Russia’
Monday 15 July
Amel ARFAOUI - ‘The Constitutional design of the judiciary in Tunisia: Post-Revolution’ (working title)
Wednesday 17 July
Anna DZIEDZIC - ‘Oceanic Currents: Constitutional Developments in the Pacific’