Announcement: PhD Scholarships at UNSW - The Military and the Constitution in Asia
/The Faculty of Law & Justice, UNSW Sydney, wishes to offer up to three PhD Scholarships for applicants with outstanding research potential and a demonstrated interest in comparative constitutionalism and studies of law and society. The scholarships are for a doctoral topic as part of the Australian Research Council Future Fellowship project of Professor Melissa Crouch on ‘Defending Constitutional Democracy: The Military and the Constitution in Asia’. The topic of the thesis should broadly contribute to studies of comparative constitutional law, law and authoritarianism, and law and society. The topic should connect in some way with the role of law and constitutions in authoritarian or illiberal regimes, including but not limited to the role that actors such as the military play. Topics that offer contextual analysis of constitutionalism and/or adopt a socio-legal approach are encouraged. The topic should focus on either one or more countries within Asia, or countries of comparative relevance to the theme of the project. The scholarship will commence at a mutually agreed date between July 2025 and May 2026 (ie Term 2 or 3 2025, or Term 1 or 2 2026). Applications are open until 4 April 2025 or until all positions are filled.
For more information, including details on how to apply, please see here.