Call for applications for the Jean Monnet Intensive Summer School 2025 on Participation, Lobbying and Transparency in the EU Institutions [PLAT-EU]

7-11 July 2025

University of Rome Unitelma Sapienza, Rome

Applications close 30 March 2025

The University of Rome Unitelma Sapienza (the e-learning University owned by

Sapienza University of Rome) is now accepting applications for the Jean Monnet

Intensive Summer School on Participation, Lobbying and Transparency in the EU

Institutions [PLAT-EU] - 2nd edition (2025). This programme is part of the Jean

Monnet Actions in the field of Higher Education Teaching and Research, funded by

the European Union. The PLAT-EU Summer School will be held in person in Rome

(Italy), and will include special lectures, simulations and role-plays, some of which

will exceptionally take place in the headquarters of Italian Institutions. All selected

participants will receive a scholarship to cover the Summer School participation


We are looking for talented, passionate and committed participants that feel

strongly about democracy, institutions and open society. In particular, the call is

open to:

(a)   graduate and undergraduate students under the age of 30.

(b)   lobbying professionals under the age of 35.

(c)   civil servants, lobbying experts and research fellow of any age.

The maximum number of participants selected will be 25. Candidates from all over

the world are welcome to apply, regardless of nationality, provided they have a good

command of English, the language in which the Summer School will be conducted.

More information about the program and the application process can be found here.