State of Our Union: Telling the American Story: A Virtual Discussion

Thursday 26 January at 4:00 PM ET

Two luminaries in American history and culture are coming together for a conversation about how we can better tell and understand the American story.

As a builder in the field of African American Studies, Mellon Foundation President Elizabeth Alexander helped create an expansive scholarly discipline devoted to the African American experience and its extraordinary history. As the founding director of the National Museum of African American History and Culture, Smithsonian Secretary Lonnie G. Bunch III created a museum that tells the American story through the lens of African American life, history and culture.

Join Dr. Alexander and Secretary Bunch for a State of Our Union discussion on lessons they’ve learned from the arts and humanities, and how these disciplines can unlock a fuller American Story with room for all.

A special co-presentation of Mellon Foundation and the Smithsonian Institution.
For more information, and to register, click here.