Judging Composite Decision-Making: The Transformation of European
/Filipe Brito Bastos
NOVA School of Law
Judging Composite Decision-Making: The Transformation of European Administrative Law
Filipe Brito Bastos
NOVA School of Law, Portugal
This book examines the European Court of Justice’s principles relating to composite decision-making. Through rigorous case law analysis, it shows how these rely on national and Union observance of rule of law requirements, under what the book calls the ‘Unitary Protection’ doctrine. It explores the theoretical dimension of this doctrine, illustrating how it represents a departure from the EU’s foundational federalist approach to administrative law. This fills a longstanding gap in the literature and in our full understanding of composite decision-making, a key tenet of EU law. EU constitutional and administrative law scholars will be fascinated by this compelling study.
Filipe Brito Bastos is Assistant Professor at NOVA School of Law, Portugal.
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