The Jurisprudence of Particularism: National Identity Claims in Central Europe

Edited by Kriszta Kovács

Center for Global Constitutionalism, ELTE University

This open access book asks whether there is space for particularism in a constitutional democracy which would limit the implementation of EU law. National identity claims are a key factor in shaping our times and the ongoing evolution of the European Union. This collection focuses on the jurisprudence of Czechia, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia. The contributors offer a new analytical scheme to evaluate the judicial invocation of identity, drawing on comparative constitutional law, theory, comparative-empirical material and normative-philosophical perspectives.

Kriszta Kovács is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow at the Center for Global Constitutionalism, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, and Associate Professor, ELTE University, Budapest, Hungary

The ebook editions of this book are available under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 licence on

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