Call for Papers: 10th Asian Constitutional Law Forum - Constitutional Change in Asia in the 21st Century

Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong
9-10 December 2024 (CfP closes 15 July 2024)

The 10th Asian Constitutional Forum (ACLF) will be held in Hong Kong on 9 and 10 December 2024, under the auspices of the University of Hong Kong’s Faculty of Law and its Centre for Comparative and Public Law, with the support of the Association for Asian Constitutional Studies. The event is also part of the celebration of the 55th anniversary of HKU’s Faculty of Law. The overarching theme of the Forum is “Constitutional Change in Asia in the 21st Century“. The organisers are honoured that Madam Justice Beverley McLachlin, Professor Cheryl Saunders, Professor Gerald Postema and Professor Han Dayuan have agreed to deliver the keynotes at this Forum.

The ACLF is held once every two years under the auspices of the Association for Asian Constitutional Law Studies. The HKU Faculty of Law hosted the 4th ACLF in December 2011; the Institutum Iurisprudentiae of the Academia Sinica in Taipei hosted the 9th ACLF in May 2022. The Forums provide a forum for dialogue among scholars interested in constitutional law, constitutional theory and constitutional developments in Asia. 

The 10th ACLF (“the Forum”) will be divided into plenary sessions and parallel sessions. There is a call for proposals to present individual papers, proposals for fully-formed panels, and applications to simply attend the Forum. Proposals are due by 15 July 2024.

More information about the ACLF, including information about how to submit a proposal, can be found here.