CfP: Keele Law Review - Democracy and Human rights During a National Crisis or State of Emergency


Democracy and Human rights During a National Crisis or State of Emergency

Keele Law Review

The Keele Law Review is pleased to announce a call for submissions for its second volume (2021) on the theme of Democracy and Human Rights During a National Crisis or State of Emergency.

Submissions on topics relating to the above theme, including the following broad topics, are welcomed:

  1. The scope of judicial review in a time of crisis/emergency.

  2. The rule of law in a time of crisis/emergency.

  3. Challenges to the separation of powers in a time of crisis/emergency.

  4. Public health v protected human rights.

  5. Fighting discrimination in a time of crisis/emergency.

  6. The scope of freedom of expression in a time of crisis/emergency.

  7. Legislating without Parliament.

  8. Covid-19 challenges to democracy and human rights.

  9. Deliberative Democracy in times of an on-going crisis.

  10. The media, public opinion and the law in a time of national crisis.

  11. National crisis/emergency and self-censorship.

Deadline for proposals: 31 August 2020. Proposals will be considered on a rolling basis.

Proposal submission: Proposals of 350 to 500 words should be submitted to Please put “Proposed paper - KLR” in the subject line of your email. Complete papers must be submitted by 1 March 2021. We will accept manuscripts no longer than 10,000-15,000 words (including footnotes), and short notes no longer than 4000-5000 words.

Decisions to publish a submission are based on editorial and double-blind peer review.

About the KLR: The Keele Law Review is a general, online, open-access, peer-reviewed journal, edited by Prof Yossi Nehushtan (General Editor), Dr Stella Coyle (Deputy General Editor) and Ms Martha Evans-Kabiswa (Assistant General Editor). Its inaugural volume will be published by September-October 2020 and will include contributions from Prof Timothy Endicott (Oxford), Prof Jonathan Herring (Oxford), Prof Ariel Ezrachi (Oxford), Prof Eyad Dabbah (Queen Mary London) and Luke Griffiths (Keele). The KLR is committed to high-quality research and free access to knowledge.