CfP: IACL Roundtable – Constitutional Identity: Contemporary Issues and Challenges



Roundtable of IACL

Constitutional Identity:
Universality of Constitutionalism vs. National Constitutional Traditions?

10 - 13 June 2020
St. Petersburg, Russia

Roundtable Topic

In the contemporary world, globalization processes blur economic, social, cultural and other “state boundaries”. Apart from major advantages, they also bring about some global disadvantages, including the necessity to preserve cultural diversity as common heritage of mankind. On the national state level, the need to partly “re-establish” disappearing boundaries is inter alia mediated by introducing the notion of “constitutional identity”.

Constitutional identity is closely related to ethnic, religious, cultural, historical and political identity, but at the same time differs from them. In defining this phenomenon, many questions arise: should constitutional identity be future-oriented? What aspects of collective identity can underlie constitutional identity? What is the relationship between constitutional identity and national identity? What are the models of constitutional identity?

During the Roundtable, participants will discuss the nature and content of constitutional identity, problems of the constitutional identity implementation on subnational, national, and supranational levels (in particular, in the aspect of economic and political integration – based on the example of the EU and other entities).

A place within the Roundtable is given to discussing the role of constitutional courts in finding a balance between universal constitutional values and national identity. In particular, the participants will share their experience and discuss the approaches of national constitutional courts to understanding the relationship between universal constitutionalism and national identity in various states.

Young scholars interested in universal constitutionalism and comparative constitutional law will have an excellent opportunity to discuss their current research ideas and topics among themselves and with established scholars, as well as develop new arguments related to the Roundtable to include in their research.

Preferential topics to be addressed

Within the framework of the conference subject-matter, we particularly welcome proposals addressing “Constitutional Identity: Contemporary Issues and Challenges”.


The conveners encourage submissions from both PhD candidates and young scholars (post-docs; research fellows, assistant professors; adjuncts) at the early stage of their academic careers. Applications from scholars of any area of constitutional law are welcome.

Application Process

Applicants are required to submit their CV and abstracts in English no longer than 500 words by March 23, 2020 to and (please use “CfP: Constitutional Identity: Contemporary Issues and Challenges” as the subject line of your e-mail). Applicants will be notified by March 30, 2020. Papers presented at the conference will be considered for publication on the IACL’s blog.

Costs, Travel, and Accommodation

Papers are submitted free of charge. Each participant bears their own travel and accommodation costs. It will be provided coffee and lunch during the Roundtable.

The OC will be happy to assist with the invitations for Russian travel visas. Please note that the exact visa costs and time required to issue invitations depends on the applicant’s nationality – make sure to contact the OC in advance at (Ekaterina Isaeva, please use “IACL Visa Invitation” as the subject line of an e-mail). The OC can also send you the list of recommended hotels in St Petersburg to book for Roundtable dates. Please contact at (Yulia Yaluner, please use “IACL Hotel advice” as the subject of an e-mail).

Dates and Venue

The detailed program will be sent to the successful applicant no later than April 6, 2020.