CfP: International Conference - The Global Challenge of Human Rights Integration: Towards a Users' Perspective
/On 9-11 December 2015, the Human Rights Integration network will organize an international conference to explore the foundations and implications of human rights fragmentation and integration.
As a political and ethical project, human rights are one, indivisible and universal. As law however, they are fragmented. Human rights law today is characterized by the simultaneous existence of a large variety of norms, developed by numerous actors, at different geographical levels, addressing similar or different topics, individuals and groups. As a result, human rights scholarship often focuses on one or more specific rights, target groups or jurisdictions, which in turn contributes to creating a fragmented, compartmentalized view of human rights law.
However, rights holders, duty bearers and other ‘users’ of human rights are confronted simultaneously with multiple layers of human rights law, amongst which there is generally little coordination. For justice seekers, the complex architecture of human rights may create opportunities as well as obstacles.
The starting proposition of the conference organizers is that it is highly relevant for human rights scholars to add an integrated perspective of human rights law to our work. This implies studying not only separate norms or mechanisms, but also their simultaneous application, what that implies for the users of human rights law, and how these users deal with that reality.
The conference intends to facilitate a dialogue among legal and socio-legal perspectives on human rights fragmentation and integration. Through this dialogue, the conceptual, theoretical and methodological foundations of human rights fragmentation and integration will be refined and the legal and practical implications of human rights fragmentation and integration will be studied.
Track 1 – Theorizing fragmentation and integration in human rights law
Within this track, we welcome theoretical and conceptual papers
Track 2 – Convergence and divergence within international human rights law
Within this track, we welcome papers that focus on
-relations between or comparisons of different layers of human rights law
-the management of uniformity and diversity within human rights law
Track 3 – Convergence and divergence between national and international human rights law
Within this track, we welcome papers that study constitutional rights protection within the context of the international human rights project
Track 4 – Convergence and divergence between international human rights law and other branches of international law
Within this track, we welcome contributes on the relations between human rights law and other bodies of international law
Track 5 – Human rights are useless/useful
Within this track, we welcome papers studying concrete mobilisations of human rights law
Interested participants are invited to submit before 15 May 2015:
Title of paper
Abstract (max. 400 words)
Name, affiliation and contact details
Please send this information to….
Track 1: Prof. Barbara Oomen (Utrecht University):
Track 2: Prof. Emmanuelle Bribosia and Prof. Isabelle Rorive (ULB): and
Track 3: Prof. Sébastien Van Drooghenbroeck (USL-B):
Track 4: Prof. Paul De Hert and Prof. Stefaan Smis (VUB): and
Track 5: Prof. Koen De Feyter (UAntwerpen):
Feedback on the abstracts will be provided by 30 June 2015. Papers (max. 10.000 words) are due by 15 November 2015. A selection of papers will be published in international peer-reviewed journals and edited volumes.
Prof. Antoine Bailleux (Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles)
Prof. Eva Brems (Ghent University)
Prof. Emmanuelle Bribosia (Université libre de Bruxelles)
Prof. Koen De Feyter (University of Antwerp)
Prof. Paul De Hert (Vrije Universiteit Brussels)
Dr. Ellen Desmet (Ghent University / University of Antwerp)
Prof. Yves Haeck (Ghent University)
Prof. Barbara Oomen (Utrecht University)
Prof. Isabelle Rorive (Université libre de Bruxelles)
Prof. Stefaan Smis (Free University of Brussels)
Prof. Wouter Vandenhole (University of Antwerp)
Prof. Sébastien Van Drooghenbroeck (Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles)
The conference will take place in the city of Ghent.
Venue: Het Pand, Onderbergen 1, 9000 Ghent, Belgium.
No registration fee will be charged.
However, transport and accommodation costs of participants (paper presenters and others) cannot be covered. There are no webconferencing facilities.
For further information, please contact:
Ellen Desmet, project manager IAP ‘Human Rights Integration’
Tel: 32 (0)9 264 69 51